If you are facing a foreclosure because you haven’t been able to pay your mortgage, one of the things you may be able to do to avoid foreclosure is to commit to a short sale. A short sale can help when you are not able to get a loan modification or when you want to...
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The troubling growth of a sinister cybercrime
For many people, the family home is their most prized possession, and homeowners go to great lengths to protect that property. The growing sophistication of security systems provides a level of sanctuary that their belongings and well-being are safe and secure....
How does the foreclosure process work in Florida?
There are various types of financial hardships that may lead a homeowner to foreclosure, including things like medical problems and job losses. But foreclosure isn't actually a singular process. Although most people don't realize it, different types of foreclosure...
A deed in lieu of foreclosure could be the right choice for you
If you are struggling to keep up on payments on your business property, something that you may need to consider is a deed in lieu. A deed in lieu is a legal document that passes on all interest in a property from the borrower to the lender. This helps satisfy a loan...
A number of foreclosure defenses may be available to you
Hard financial times can fall on anyone in the blink of an eye. The onset of an unexpected medical condition, the loss of a job, or the tragic passing of a loved one can all leave an individual struggling to find a way to make ends meet. Unfortunately, all too often...
An overview of short sales as a foreclosure option
The overall housing market in Florida and throughout the country has been in pretty good shape for several years now. As a result, the number of foreclosure actions that are being filed is likely dropping quite a bit. However, for any number of reasons, there are some...
Study: Foreclosure filings are up in South Florida, statewide
South Florida has the dubious distinction of being among the top three regions in the country when it comes to the rate of foreclosures – namely, the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach metropolitan area. It's not just South Florida that's struggling. Florida was...
How did 2017’s hurricanes affect Florida foreclosure filings?
After the hurricanes that ravaged parts of Florida last year, it would be expected that foreclosure rates would rise. According to a recent study by a real estate analytics company, foreclosure filings in the first quarter of this year were up in the areas impacted by...
How to respond to a business property foreclosure threat
Foreclosures on and seizures of business properties happen for some of the same reasons that residential ones occur; a company's owners fail to make necessary payments toward them. With business foreclosures, a bank may even be able make the full amount of the loan...
Housing market update for homeowners in Naples
The good news for the residential real estate market in southwest Florida is that the number of distressed properties on the market is down. Foreclosures and short sales have continued to decrease from the housing market collapse which began in 2008, according to...