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Why an attorney should help you set up Florida business

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2018 | Business Formation & Planning |

Selecting a name and setting up shop are far from the only two steps you need to follow if you intend to operate a business in Collier County or the state of Florida. Instead, there are a number of intermediary steps you also must follow to ensure that your company operates lawfully.

Among these steps, first up on the list is selecting the type of business formation you’re looking to have. Next, it involves registering the company with local, state and federal authorities. It may also involve taking out permits or licenses required in your industry to operate it in your jurisdiction as well.

On the federal level, one of the first steps you’ll need to take is to request an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your business. It’s the first step in legitimizing your business and it’s necessary in order to file corporate taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as required by law.

As for Florida, one of the first steps you must take to make your business official in the state government’s eyes is to register the name of the company with the Department of State (DOS). You’ll also need to register your company with the Department of Revenue (DOR) as well. Depending on the type of business you set up and the industry it’s in, they may require you to pay taxes or fees associated with your company’s operation.

The state may also require for you to prove you’ve taken out workers’ compensation insurance in order to lawfully run your business. In most cases, whether or not you’re required to have this coverage depends on how many employees you have and the sector you operate within.

Finally, in order to comply with Florida business laws, you may also have to take out certain professional licenses or permits issued by state regulatory authorities before commencing operations.

Policies that must be adhered to remain in compliance with local rules of business operations vary by jurisdiction. They may include zoning requirements for your type of business, taking out construction permits, or obtaining occupancy certificates. You may also have to register your business with the local tax or licensing authorities as well.

If you’re considering starting your own company, then an experienced Collier County, Florida, business formation and planning attorney can guide you through the process to ensure that it’s handled correctly.
