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Real estate closing delay: Don’t let this happen to you

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2017 | Residential Real Estate |

Imagine this situation: You are all ready to close on your home, but at the last second you find out that the process can’t move forward for one reason or another. There are not many things in life more disappointing than this.

Although it sounds farfetched, this happens more times than many people realize. Since you don’t want to go through this, it’s important to prepare for your closing as far in advance as possible.

There are many key steps to take, including staying in close contact with your real estate agent, lender and closing company as the big day closes in.

By staying in constant communication with the right people, you may be able to see a delay coming, thus taking action as to avoid this situation.

At our law firm, we know what it takes to prepare for a real estate closing. There is a lot that goes into this, including but not limited to examining documents associated with a title search, verifying ownership, making sure there are no liens on the property and preparing the necessary documents.

You shouldn’t assume that your closing will go off as planned. In fact, you should assume that someone will make a mistake that puts you behind the eight ball. By taking this approach, you’ll always be alert and ready to take action.

As long as you know what to expect from your real estate closing and how to prepare for everything, you should be able to avoid a closing delay and all of the stress that goes along with this.
