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3 reasons you can legally evict a tenant

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2017 | Commercial Real Estate, Landlord And Tenant Law |

As a landlord, it is rarely ideal to evict a tenant. You rely on their rent, and terminating their lease is sure to be a hassle. There are some situations, though, where it is both necessary and legal to do so. In such circumstances, you should approach the tenant with a clear legal justification for your decision, and when necessary, enlist an attorney to handle the matter and provide legal representation.

According to Forbes, evictions are on the rise. There are many reasons for this, but the following three constitute sufficient cause. Whether you are a commercial or residential landlord, you are well within your rights to terminate the lease of any tenant who commits one of these infractions.

Failure to pay rent

It should be obvious that if you do not pay rent, you no longer have a right to a property. Some tenants, however, may fail to pay rent yet expect to continue living or doing business in the leased space. Regulations vary on how long a tenant can withhold rent without being evicted, but the terms indicated in the lease will typically establish procedures for eviction following nonpayment.

Illegal use or activity

Any illegal use or activities that take place on a property offer sufficient justification for an eviction. Whether your tenant is doing or selling drugs, keeping stolen property or hosting parties with underage drinking, you should do your best to gather evidence of their misdeeds before proceeding with an eviction.

Violation of lease terms

A tenant’s entitlement to your property is completely conditional. If a tenant violates any part of their lease’s terms, it is your right to initiate eviction proceedings. Violations might include failure to keeping pets when none are allowed, using the property in any way that damages it or using a property for residential purposes when it is zoned commercially (or vice versa).
